Alderbury Parish Council is working with Wiltshire Wildlife Trust (WWT) to launch a brand-new nature project in the village – Wildlife Friendly Alderbury.
Rewilding Oakwood Grove Open Space
In November 2022 the Wildlife Volunteers were out again, this time planting native hedging at Oakwood Grove Open Space. Two sections of new hedge were planted to provide habitat for birds and wildlife. As a Brucey bonus, two new sections of wildflower meadow were also created, which should bring a kaleidoscope of colour to the area in early summer 2023. See out latest photos below.
Community Orchard and Wildflower Meadow at Waleran Close UPDATE
Great news! The with the exception of one pear tree that fell victim of the hurricane force winds (now replaced), all of the fruit trees survived the winter and the ferocious summer of 2022. This was thanks to the volunteers who watered the trees every week through the blistering months of June, July and August. The trees did bear fruit but these were removed to encourage stronger growth as the orchard matures. The wildflowers did make an impact but the volunteers rocked up again in November 2022 to scarify the area more thoroughly (thanks to John Ridd for the loan of his scarifyer) and more wildflower seeds were sown, so things should be much more colourful in 2023.
The Project Gets underway
The Council supported proposals from Wiltshire Wildlife’s Wild Landscapes Team to move forward with the wildlife project. The first step, is the development of a community orchard and wildflower meadow at Waleran Close. This project is right in the heart of the village and will help raise the flag for what is to come. Of course, we cannot do anything without the support of local people and the volunteers.
Plans for Waleran Close have been drawn up in consultation with Wiltshire Wildlife and the Longford Estate. We have consulted the owners of the bungalows in Waleran Close as we feel it is important they have a chance to comment before anything happens. Its great that they have given their blessing to the scheme. They asked for the benches to be removed to prevent people congregating at night and causing disturbance, we listened to those concerns and we have removed the benches from the scheme.
On Sunday 28th November 2021, the Wildlife Group planted 10 fruit trees on – 2 x cooking apples, 4 x eating apples, 2 x pears and 2 x plums. Once established this fruit will be free for anyone to collect and use at home.
The planting day was a great success with 25 volunteers from ages 8 to 80 who donned wellies and shouldered shovels at the green. Parish councillor Mel Lawrence provided refreshments and lovely home baked treats and a lot of new friendships were formed. See the photos below.
If you want to be involved in future projects, please complete our sign-up form below.
Watch our 2021 ZOOM CONFERENCE with Wiltshire Wildlife Trust's Chelsie and Nick: Watch our video now and be INSPIRED!
This short video features a presentation by Wiltshire Wildlife Trust with the results of their village wildlife survey. The meeting will also see the launch of a brand-new Facebook page that will keep everyone in touch with the project and all things wild and wonderful in Alderbury and Whaddon. So, if like the parish clerk, you are a massive BBC Springwatch addict – sign up and get involved.
Download our poster here.
Useful Links:
Wildlife Friendly Alderbury - Project Plan
Alderbury PC Volunteer Policy
Wildlife Volunteers Risk Assessment
Tree planting instruction leaflet