Useful Planning documents

Understanding the Planning System 

Local Plans are a key component of the planning system. They shape how land use and places will change and develop in  the future. Planning applications need to be in line with Local  Plans otherwise they are unlikely to receive planning permission.  It is when Local Plans are being prepared therefore that you can have the most influence over shaping the future of your local area.

Once the Local Plan is adopted, many of the big decisions have usually been made, and your influence becomes more limited. It is therefore important that all of us – the public – and our community representatives, such as parish and town councillors, are aware of when and how to engage with Local Plans, in order to have our say about how we would like our cities, towns and villages to change and develop. If you don’t speak up, you won’t be heard! This guide will  help you to get involved in the development of your Local Plan.


Download and read the CPRE and NALC guide.

How to respond to planning applications

The Campaign for Rural England and the National Association of Local Councils have put together eight simple steps to take if you want to find out more about a planning application, and support or challenge it.

Whether you have a special interest, like archaeology or wildlife, or more general concerns about the kind of development your area needs, this guide will help you present your views appropriately, effectively, and to the right people;

Download and read the CPRE and NALC guide